Grand Rapids, MI 49525 (616) 209-9994

More About My Services

There are a lot of things you can do with an old car here at Extract & Salvage. You’re getting services fit for your needs at my shop located in Grand Rapids, MI, so if you’re curious about the things I provide, check them out below and see if there’s anything that interests you.

Car Rebuying Services

Scrap Auto Buyers

Scrap Auto Buyers

Rebuying is the essence of what I do here. It’s all self-explanatory. I buy your old vehicle for use here in my salvage yard, and I give fair deals depending on how old your car is or the parts that I can save.

Car Junking Services

With my junking service, you’re getting what’s right for you. I always make sure you’re getting your fair share. This depends on how valuable the parts of your car are or the condition of the metals it contains. When you have an old vehicle that is essentially junk lying around in your property, you are free to bring it to my yard.

Car Salvaging Services

You may have already decided on junking your car, but there may be plenty of components that you still want to be saved. You won’t have to worry. With my expertise, I can easily distinguish the parts that have some value from the ones that can never be used again. This way, I help you understand how to identify which ones you can keep and which should be scrapped.

Flat Bed Services

You are always free to give me a call and request a tow to my yard if you are unable to drive. Get in touch with me for more information now!

At Extract & Salvage, I make sure I offer services that meet your needs. If you stop by my yard located in Grand Rapids, MI, you’ll get a fair price for your scrap car. Call (616) 209-9994 now for that scrapping job you have in mind.

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